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404 Page Not Found - Legal & General Reinsurance
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Transfer a Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund to us

Transferring a Junior ISA

If your child already has either a cash Junior ISA or stocks and shares Junior ISA with another provider, you can transfer it to us at any time. The minimum amount you can transfer to us is £100. Your existing provider may charge a fee for the transfer.

Transferring a Child Trust Fund (CTF)

There are a few differences between the two products that you should be aware of before you make the transfer:

  • The subscription year for Junior ISAs runs from 6 April to 5 April (the tax year), not from the child’s birthday. Any transfer from a CTF to a Junior ISA doesn’t affect the child’s Junior ISA allowance for the current tax year.
  • The minimum contribution levels in a Junior ISA may be different from those in the CTF.
  • Stakeholder CTFs have a 1.5% charges cap which doesn’t apply to Junior ISAs. Charges vary between individual funds. You should also make sure you are happy with any charges that may apply, if you choose to transfer.
  • Some Stakeholder CTFs have an automatic lifestyling feature which now starts from when the child reaches the age of 15. This gradually moves the CTF into lower risk investments.
  • In a Junior ISA the investment remains in the fund(s) you invest in, but you are free to switch between the available funds at any time, meaning you can decide what level of risk to take at all times.
  • You can only transfer your CTF to a Junior ISA in full, it is not possible to split the amount between a CTF and a Junior ISA.
  • Once you have transferred a CTF to a Junior ISA, it permanently becomes a Junior ISA and can't be switched back to a CTF.

Getting Started

We’ve put together three options to help you get started and find the solution that’s right for you, but please remember the decision of whether to invest and where is your decision. We are unable to provide you with any advice.

Responds to the markets - our Mixed Investment 20-60% Fund

  • An option if you prefer your investment decisions being made by our team of experts across a range of funds.

Follows the UK market - our UK Index Trust

  • An option if you want your investment to closely follow the performance of the UK stock market.

Pick your own - our full fund range

  • An option if you want to invest in one or more of our full range of funds

Ready to apply? 

  1. Download our Terms and conditions  
  2. Select the funds you wish to invest in through our Fund Information page.
  3. Consider how much you wish to allocate to each of the fund(s).
    Download the Junior ISA Transfer form 
  4. Once you have completed all the sections required, please post the form along with your cheque (if you're making a lump sum payment) to:

    Legal & General Investments
    PO Box 6080
    WV1 9RB.


  • Please remember the value of your child’s investment may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. This means it may be worth less than the amount invested.
  • The money invested in a stocks and shares Junior ISA is locked away until your child becomes 18 and then rolls up into an adult ISA. You should consider it to be a medium to long-term investment, ideally of five years or more.
  • Each fund has its own individual risks. To find out more about these, please read the Key Investor Information documents for the funds you wish to invest in.
  • Any money contributed to a Junior ISA is a gift to the child and can’t be reclaimed at any stage in the future.
  • Please note, our website doesn't provide advice or personal recommendations. We haven't assessed whether this product is suitable for you or your child. This means you don't have the protection you would have received if we had done this. It's up to you to decide if an investment with us is suitable for your needs. If you need help, please contact an Independent Financial Adviser.