Consent to share your information
Please read this information carefully. If you’ve included a spouse/registered civil partner/financially dependent partner in your quote please also show this information to them.
To find out if the income we’ve quoted is the highest or if you could get a higher annual income by shopping around, we’ll need to share some of your details with other annuity providers. If you give us consent we’ll share the following details:
- Date of birth
- Postcode
- Medical condition details
- Lifestyle information
If you give consent for your spouse/registered civil partner/financially dependent partner we’ll also share their details as above.
We’ll share this information with the following companies:
- The Annuity Exchange Ltd
- Scottish Widows
- Just
- Canada Life
- Hodge Lifetime
The information listed above will only be shared with these companies for the purpose of comparing annuity quotes and will not be stored by them after your quote is produced. We will not share your contact details with these companies.
All of your quotes from us will be stored in your account for six months.
All details correct as at January 2022.