Equity release calculator

This calculator helps you see how much equity your customer could release with a lifetime mortgage, a loan secured against their home.

Before you start

  • The amount your customer can borrow is based on their age and the value of their home, but this might be less when they come to apply. If they are the sole borrower they may be able to release more.
  • If your customer us applying for a joint lifetime mortgage, enter the age of the youngest applicant.
  • They need to be between the ages of 50 and 90.
Your customer's date of birth is
Is your customer still in employment?
be able to make monthly interest payments until they retire

This is a guide to the lifetime mortgage products we offer and not advice or a personal recommendation. 


This is an estimate of the amount you customer may be able to release. The amount they can release depends on their property and individual circumstances. There may be cheaper ways for them to borrow money. 

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