Tesco - Your frequently asked questions

Tesco Mastertrust - Frequently Asked Questions Video
Your frequently asked questions
What will happen to my retirement savings in the event of my death?
Your retirement savings will be paid to your beneficiaries at the trustees’ discretion.
To nominate your beneficiaries go to ourtesco.com if you’re currently employed by Tesco or go to legalandgeneral.com/mya if you aren’t.
This will make it clear who you’d like your retirement savings to go to in the event of your death.
What happens if I stop working for my employer?
Legal & General will write to you with details of the available options, if you no longer work for your employer.
You can leave your retirement savings invested with Legal & General.
You can transfer your retirement savings in this scheme to another pension scheme.
Or, if you’re 55 or older, you can start taking your money. You may even be able to take it sooner if you’re suffering from ill health.
How can I keep track of my retirement savings?
We have a range of planning tools that can help you check whether your savings are on track.
You’ll find them on your scheme website or by going to ourtesco.com or legalandgeneral.com/mya
Alternatively, if you want to speak to a financial adviser, go to the Guidance and Advice section on your scheme website. Advisers may charge for their services.
There are 2 other videos in our scheme introduction series:
- Your scheme introduction
- Transferring your pensions to Legal & General.
You'll find them on your scheme website.
Thank you for watching and for saving with Legal & General.