Frequently asked questions
Helpful answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

All the information on this website has been designed to help you understand how your company pension plan works. However below you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.
If you’re looking for help on a specific topic or you aren’t sure where to find the information you’re looking for, the ‘Help me understand page’ is really a great place to look.
- Uncertain times
- What kind of pension scheme has GKN provided?
- How much is it going to cost me?
- Can I pay more to my pension plan?
- What happens if/when I leave GKN?
- How do I change my retirement age?
- My contact details have changed, what do I do?
- How does Legal & General communicate with me?
- How do I receive my Annual statements?
- What if I don't want to be in this pension plan?
- What happens after I have opted out?
- Why have I been enrolled again?
- What is the lump sum allowance?
- What is the Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance?