Equality, diversity and inclusion
The Board of the Legal & General Mastertrust has implemented its first policy on equality, diversity and inclusion – otherwise known as EDI. Kim Brown, Head of the Mastertrust and IGC, explains the significance of the measure and offers some suggestions for those wanting to establish their own policy.
The Mastertrust Trustees oversee the pension savings of more than 1.8 million members, so it’s vital that the scheme is well run, offers value for money and that communications and investment choices fully cover the diverse needs and requirements of their members.
The Trustees believe that having a diverse trustee board, board support functions and advisers are fundamental to helping them achieve this by supporting well-rounded and more effective decisions.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) completed its first survey into Trustee Diversity and Inclusion in 2023. It found that only 17% of schemes formally recorded trustee diversity data.
The Mastertrust Trustees are proud to be one of the few schemes contributing to this meaningful data collection by completing their own EDI assessment in 2023. Their survey results compared positively to the findings published by TPR in relation to a typical trustee board.
It demonstrated 50:50 gender balance and diversity across each area assessed, including background and experience, age, and ethnicity. The initial results will be used to form a benchmark for future assessments.
The Trustees value the board’s diversity and recognise the regular review of their policy will further strengthen focus on this area. Creating an inclusive culture and ensuring all are effectively involved, valued, and supported reduces the risk of groupthink by providing different viewpoints, ideas and challenge that can make sure any business runs well.