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Please note - These are Legal & General policies not IBM Pension Trust policies.


Security Information

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure, using the latest secure server software that encrypts (turns into code) all the information you provide us before you send it to us. This means that any information you send us, using our website, stays private and secure whilst it is being sent.

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that any information you provide on this website is kept secure. However, messages sent by email cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure as they may be intercepted, lost or corrupted. We are therefore not responsible for the accuracy of the messages sent by email over the internet - whether from us to you or from you to us.

If you ask us to email you information that is personal or confidential, we may need to ask you for extra information to check your identity and to give us authority to send that information to you. We have to do this under the Data Protection Act.

Legal & General's secure-server software encrypts all the personal information that you enter on our website. This helps to protect your data from prying eyes, abuse or tampering as it travels over the Internet between your browser and our server.

In order to be confident that your information will be safe if sent to us through our secure server link, we recommend that you download the latest browser (for example: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) and ensure the 128 bit encryption is turned on.

By using this technology, Legal & General enables customers to make financial transactions over the Internet with confidence.


Phishing is an email fraud method in which the perpetrator sends out legitimate-looking emails in an attempt to gather personal and financial information from recipients.

Please note that Legal & General will never send emails to you that ask for confidential or security information. If you receive such an email you should delete it immediately without responding.

If you are concerned you may have already disclosed personal or security information please call us as soon as possible on 0800 096 6959 (Lines are open 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday)

Links to other websites

Where our website contains links to other sites provided by third parties, these links are provided for general information purposes only. We have no control over the content of those sites or resources and accept no responsibility in relation to any materials on these sites, or for the fact that such sites may not be available at all times. Please note that when you click on any external link, you will leave Legal & General's site.

These websites should have their own privacy policies that you should check.


Our site makes use of several multimedia items, which require you to have the appropriate plug ins in your browser. If you do not have a particular plug in already, you may download it from the original site by using the relevant text link.

Please note that any software is downloaded at your own risk. We do not warrant the suitability of any such software and accept no liability for any problems with your computer that may arise as a result of downloading such software.

If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of software to be downloaded for your computer, it is recommended that you obtain specialist advice before downloading.


If you are likely to use Legal & General's My Accounts from a computer that could be used by unauthorised users, to prevent access to your account we recommend that you do not use the save password option, and close your browser when you have completed your session.