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Independent Governance Committee

Keeping you to up to date with news and information about your Legal & General pension scheme.

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We’re experiencing tough economic conditions, right now. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising cost of living means that many people are naturally concerned about their finances. The invasion of Ukraine and its effect on global products and commodities has also led to investment market turbulence. If you would like to know more, visit our response hub to see what this could mean for you and your savings, as well as access useful support and information.

Dedicated to you and your pension 

We're the Independent Governance Committee (IGC), and we oversee that you're getting good value for money when saving for retirement with Legal & General.

You can find out more about us and what we do here.

On this website you can find details of our activity, future plans, events and documentation.


Our annual report for year ending 31 December 2023.

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Catch up on the latest annual member forum, held in November 2024, and access information about the most commonly-asked questions in our newsletter.

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Keep up to date with our latest news.

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Tell us what's important to you.

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We’re committed to protecting your pension.