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Looking after your interests


We are here to look after your interests. We want to listen to your feedback and understand what ‘value for money’ means to you. We do this through:

Annual Member Forums

We held our first annual member forum in 2016 and until 2020, these were run as face to face meetings. In 2020 we held our first virtual annual member forum featuring film director and screenwriter Richard Curtis who provided an update on environmental, social and governance factors. Since we have held meetings virtually, we are pleased that thousands of you have joined our member forums.

In 2021, we held our second virtual event and over 9,000 members joined. The focus of the forum was Pensions Made Easy as we listened to your feedback that you wanted to go right back to basics, understanding what it means to be a part of a pension scheme and how it works. We have asked for your feedback on what you thought of our forum and will use your feedback to develop our forum for next year.

Annual Member Surveys

We believe it’s very important that we have a system in place to be able to understand what ‘value for money’ means to members. As an IGC, we have a lot of experience in understanding pension matters but we need to be sure that the areas we are progressing are the ones that are important to members.

Since 2016 we have collaborated with other IGCs in an extensive member survey. Working with other pension providers allows us to compare the views of Legal & General scheme members with those of members of other providers’ schemes.

We also hold our own annual member survey to gather views on what matters most to our members and to understand how you would like to hear from us.

Employer Groups

Legal & General uses the quarterly employer groups to provide employers with updates on regulatory changes, areas of focus and member communications. At each meeting we are invited to update employers on our progress and hear from employers on opportunities for development and future areas they would like to see the IGC focus on. This has proved a very useful means of gaining feedback throughout the year.