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Welcome to our annual report


The IGC’s role is to ensure the money in your pension is safe and being well managed and we work with Legal & General to ensure your pension offers good value for money. Here's our annual report for 2023.

Joanne Segars 2023 original

We are pleased to report that our view is that members continue to receive good value for money, rising to excellent in some areas.

Joanne Segars

Independent Chair of the IGC

Our assessment covers the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023:

Read our annual report


We also publish the costs and charges that apply to your pension funds and projections that explain the effect of these charges on your pension pot over time:

See charges, costs, illustrations and performance


The IGC welcomes questions or feedback from members. If you have any questions, or would like to share feedback, please contact us. Your message will come straight through to the IGC members.