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Planning your retirement

If you’re at this stage in your retirement planning, it’s likely that you’re thinking about taking your money fairly soon. If you’re still deciding, here are some things to consider:

  • Do you have enough to support the lifestyle you want in retirement?
  • How much longer do you want to work? 
  • If you do want to keep working, can you afford to leave your pension where it is? 
  • Could you look at phasing your retirement? You may be able to take some of your pension savings now and continue to work part-time.
  • Have you considered how the State Pension and other pension savings will contribute towards your income?

You have plenty of options available so that you can take your pension savings in the best way possible for you. Now’s the time to decide when you might want to do that, and how.

Ready to make a choice

If you’re ready to take your money and you’ve decided which option you want to take, you can get in touch for all the information you need and any relevant forms. And please remember that you don't have to stay with this provider and should shop around for the best option for you.

Remember, if you’re a SAUL member for more than three years, you’ll also have a separate SAUL pension based on your salary. You can find out more about your retirement options at

How much money will you have >
Your State Pension >
If your plans change >
What happens if you die after taking your money >