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Step 2: On your way

While you're living your life, we're helping you to prepare for your future. Keep up to date with your pension here.

It can be easy to lose touch with your pension savings as life gets busier. You should try and keep an eye on your pension pot as you get on with other things too. This doesn’t mean you constantly have to change things, but it’s a good idea to check in regularly to make sure everything is ticking along as you’d like it to. 

Life events, like having children, buying your dream house, or even becoming seriously ill can have an impact on your finances and can also significantly change your future plans. At this stage of your savings journey, you should be taking some time to think about your investment choices and re-evaluate your goals every now and again as your circumstances change.

To make sure you’ll always have access to your pension information, it’s best to get in touch to give us a personal email address. That way, if you leave your job we’ll still be able to contact you.

Managing your pension pot >
Investment guide - your pension pot >
Serious ill-health retirement >