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Financial planning

Get help with budgeting, staying on top of debt, understanding income tax and find support if you're going through redundancy.

It can be hard to know where to begin when it comes to understanding your finances. We share useful tips and guides to help you manage your money better and reach your financial goals.

Women reading book

Can I opt out of my pension?

Can you opt out of your pension? We help you decide whether cancelling your pension is a good decision for you.
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How much should I put into my pension?

How much should you be paying into your pension? We help you decide how much to contribute to your pension each month and what to pay by age.
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Inflation and your pension

Inflation can affect your state, private and workplace pension. We look at what to consider when investing as inflation and the cost of living rises.
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What is a stocks and shares ISA?

A Stocks and Shares ISA can be a great investment solution. We explain what they are, how they work and answer S&S ISA FAQs.
Woman writing a budget

Write a budget

Budgeting is a vital way of managing your finances and being in control of your money.
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Manage your debt

If your financial situation seems like it is unmanageable then it might be a good idea to seek advice. In this short guide we take you through some options you have to manage your debt.
Women on a laptop

Income tax explained

Here we cover the basics of income tax and how tax might be paid on your pension income or savings interest.
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Redundancy support

Sometimes redundancy is welcome, especially if you're ready to move on and there's a good financial package on offer. But for many, redundancy is a shock, both emotionally and financially.
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Should I use my pension to pay a bill?

The cost of living can make it difficult to prioritise your spending. We look at what could happen if you pause contributions or access your pension savings.
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How to track down your old pensions

If you’re beginning to think about your retirement, having a good understanding of how much your pension is worth can make planning easier and more exciting.
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Lifestyle profiles and gilts

To help you feel more in control, you might find it useful to learn more about how investing in your pension works, and things to consider if you're reviewing your investment options.
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Tools and resources

Here you'll find all of the tools and resources available to help you gain financial happiness.