Manage your debt
If your financial situation seems like it is unmanageable then it might be a good idea to seek advice. In this short guide we take you through some options you have to manage your debt.
Even if your debts are under control, it's worth reviewing whether you're paying them off in the right order, have the right debt solutions for you or if you can pay them off faster or save money.
The MoneyHelper bill prioritiser can help you sort your bills and payments in the right order and tell you what you need to do if you’re struggling to pay before you miss a payment. They recommend you:
- pay off the minimum amount on all debts to avoid falling behind
- pay more if you can afford to, starting with the most expensive debt - check whether there are any early repayment penalties or charges before overpaying though
- once that's cleared, move on to the next most expensive until they are all cleared
They recommend splitting your debts into three categories:
- Debt emergencies
- Priority debts
- Non-priority debts
Useful links
- National Debtline provide a guide to dealing with your debts. You can visit their website or call 0808 808 4000.
- StepChange provide free debt advice. You can visit their website or call 0800 138 1111.
- Citizens Advice. You can speak to their debt helpline through online chat or call 0800 240 4420.
- Visit for other charities and organisations who offer free debt advice.
Key points
- If you're struggling with debt you're not alone. There's free support available to help you.
- If you have been summoned to court, always turn up to your hearing.
- You can get free debt advice, even if your court date is within 24 hours. They can speak to the court, bailiffs or creditor on your behalf.
Next steps
- Speak to a free debt adviser to help you with your debt emergency.
- Pay off your priority debts first as these have more serious consequences. Make at least the minimum payments on your non-priority debts to stop these from becoming priority debts.
- Visit our Financial planning hub for tips on how to plan for a brighter financial future.