Support my mental wellbeing
Mental health is the way we think and feel and our ability to deal with ups and downs. Mental health is something we all have and mental ill-health can happen at any time and can affect us all.
Your mental health can suffer for all sorts of reasons, and it can be hard to ask for help.
We’ve brought together a list of useful resources and links to help you get started. They include free helplines to support you now, tools to assess how you're feeling and tailored plans to help you in your mental health.
Mind is a mental health charity that provides a free helpline and lots of useful resources to help. Visit Mind’s Get help now page where they provide quick links to emergency advice and other helplines, crisis coping tools and how to ask your doctor for help. They also have resources if you are seeking help for someone else.
The NHS Every Mind Matters website has practical guides to managing mental health as well as signposting to organisations and helplines that could make a huge difference to your emotional wellbeing. The NHS mood self-assessment tool can help you assess how you’re feeling and get support. NHS audio guides cover a range of mental health topics such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, grief, anger, low self–esteem and depression, and are only 10 minutes long. Finally, answer five questions in the NHS Mind Plan Quiz to get your personalised mind plan with tips and advice tailored to support your needs.
Your employer
If you’re in need of support your employer may have a wellbeing or mental health policy that can help you. Look out for Employee Assistance programmes where you can get free advice and help or you may have mental health first aiders that can support you.