Investment decisions at retirement

It’s less than 12 months until you reach your Target Retirement Age (TRA). In an ideal world, you’ll already know how you intend to take your money and your Lifestyle Account will be invested accordingly.
However, if this is something you haven’t given much thought to, then you need to ask yourself two important questions:
Is my Target Retirement Age still right for me?
If you think you may not be able - or want - to take your money at your current TRA, you will be able to delay taking it.
Visit the If your plans change page for more information.
Do my current investments reflect the way I intend to take my money?
Assuming you still intend to take your money at your TRA, you can choose to take it as:
Any combination of the options above
- Income Drawdown*
- A guaranteed income (an annuity)
- Cash
So, it’s important, if you haven’t already done so, to ensure your Lifestyle Account is invested in a way that matches how you plan to take your money.
For more information about all of the investment options available to you and the things you’ll need to think about please go to the Investing as you approach retirement page.
Approaching your Target Retirement Age
When you are 4 months away from your TRA, you will receive a 'maturity pack' which will give you more detail on the options available to you and what you need to do next. We're here to help so if you have any questions or you need any more information, just let us know.
* Income Drawdown is not available within The Guardian Lifestyle Plan. You would need to transfer to a provider that offers this option. This includes the Legal & General WorkSave Mastertrust (RAS) - Pension Access Scheme which is provided by Legal & General.