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What contributions are paid into the Lifestyle Plan?

As a member of the Lifestyle Plan you can pay minimum contributions of 1% of your monthly pay - you can pay more if you wish to. The company will contribute 1% for any member who pays at least 1%.

The company is complying with minimum contribution requirements which are being phased in. Company contributions for casual workers will therefore rise between the following periods:


Your contributions (including tax relief)

Employer contributions

Total contributions

1st September 2013 to 31st March 2018




1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019




1st April 2019 onwards




You will also get tax relief from the government on anything you pay in.

Keeping up to date with your Lifestyle Account is easy with our online service, Manage Your Account. Register today.

Tax year rates and allowances

The tax allowances are set by the government each tax year. Find out what they are and how they could affect you.

Members' Guide

For a summary of the Plan and more detail about your Lifestyle Account.

Contribution change form

This form allows you to change your contribution level into The Guardian Lifestyle Plan.