
Affordability website plug-in

Our affordability calculator can be added to your website via a WordPress plug-in or API. By providing the ability for your visitors to gauge how much they can borrow quickly, you can make your website a one stop shop and eliminate the need to visit comparison sites.

Once your visitor has their results, they can use an in-built feature to easily request a follow up conversation with you. Helping you generate rich leads that will go directly to your inbox or CRM*.

*CRM integration currently only available with One Mortgage System (OMS) and Smartr365.

Integrating our affordability calculator into your website helps clients to:

  • Find out how much they can borrow
  • Save time by entering their information just once, rather than filling out long, repetitive forms, and spending time on comparison sites
  • Request an adviser follow-up after seeing their results
  • Gather affordability results from our growing panel of over 100 lenders

Discover more

To find out more about our affordability website plug-in, including our API options you can book a call with one of our friendly experts or download our information leaflet.

How can implementing our affordability tool help you improve customer satisfaction?

We carried out a piece of consumer research in 2021, to gain further understanding of how consumers used technology when researching mortgages. Here are some of our key findings:



97% of all respondents carried out their own research


Over half of their research related to how much they could borrow


35% of respondents used online comparison sites


On average, respondents spent over 3 weeks finding the information they needed


58% of those who obtained a mortgage from an adviser, used them as their main source of information


Almost all respondents used digital tools in their mortgage application, of which 90% were satisfied

Want to know more?

Complete our form below, and we'll be in touch shortly

* Required

By submitting your details you consent to being contacted by the Mortgage Services Team regarding the software and services we offer.
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Contact us

To talk to us about the Affordability website plug-in

Call: 0345 0260092 (lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm. We may record and monitor calls. Call charges may vary)


Protecting your data

Learn more about how we collect, store and use your personal data in our Data Privacy Notice. This includes information about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and what it means for you – Privacy Notice.