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How the Plan works

Saving into the Plan is a simple, low cost and tax efficient way to save towards your future. 

  • You’re included as a member of the Plan from when you start working at the bank.
  • The bank pays 8% of your ValueAccount into the Plan each month, but you can pay more if you want, by updating your contribution percentage via NatWest Group Benefits.
  • The money paid in is invested by the Trustees into the Drawdown Lifestyle unless you self-select which specific Lifestyle or fund/funds you want your Plan savings invested in.
  • Our investment management business incorporates a responsible investing approach, considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in its investment process.
  • The earliest you can start taking your Plan savings is 55 ** - you decide what to do with your money and how you take it.
  • If you are a former ABN Amro member you may have certain options on earlier retirement. Find out further information.

To help you understand how the Plan works, take a look at the Member booklet.

** Age 55 is the current minimum retirement age as at April 2021. This is subject to review and change by the Government at any time in the future.

Contributions and tax  >
How your Plan is invested >
Take your Midlife MOT >