Senior couple over 50 holding umbrella by the sea

Funeral Benefit

What is the Funeral Benefit Option?

If you are taking out an Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance policy to help towards funeral costs, you can choose to add the Funeral Benefit Option. This means the cash sum paid out from a valid claim will be paid directly to Dignity Funerals Limited and a Dignity funeral director will take care of arrangements. It doesn't cost you anything extra to add the Funeral Benefit Option.

Get £250 towards your funeral costs

If you are planning to use the cash sum from your Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance to pay towards your funeral, why not add the Funeral Benefit Option to your Plan.

At the time of claim we will pay your cash sum directly to Dignity Funerals Limited and a Dignity Funeral Director will take care of arrangements.

To help even more, there will be a £250 contribution from Dignity towards the final cost of your funeral with a Dignity Funeral Director.

How does the Funeral Benefit Option work when a claim is made?

At the time of making a claim, a single call to Dignity will put your funeral arrangements in motion. The Dignity Funeral Director will help your family through the arrangements and we will pay the cash sum from your Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance directly to Dignity. Dignity will contribute £250 towards your funeral costs.

If you die within the first year of taking out Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance as a result of an accident (see the Policy Terms and Conditions) or within 90 days of the accident from injuries sustained in it, you will be entitled to the Accidental Death Benefit and the cash sum will be paid to your legal representative rather than Dignity.

If you die within the first year of taking out the Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance for any reason other than an accident, we will not pay the cash sum. Instead, we will refund any premiums already paid to your legal representative rather than to Dignity.

However, if Dignity conducts your funeral, your legal representative would still be entitled to the £250 contribution.

Help towards your funeral costs

Funeral costs haven't been getting any cheaper. In fact, the average cost of a funeral in the UK in 2023 was £4,450. Take a look at our guide on average UK funeral costs in your region.

Source: Legal & General research, 2023

Rising funeral costs UK 2013- 2033

Our Funeral Benefit Option is provided by Dignity.

Dignity has a nationwide network of owned and approved Funeral Directors across the UK offering caring support and an expert service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Dignity owns over 800 funeral locations, some have served local communities for decades.

They help people through one of the most difficult times of their life.

To search for the nearest Dignity Funeral Director, here’s a useful link

All Dignity Funeral Directors are accredited by the National Association of Funeral Directors.

How to add the Funeral Benefit Option

If you're looking to leave a sum to help towards funeral costs you could choose to add the Funeral Benefit Option to your plan if you apply by phone. Terms and conditions apply. You can add the Funeral Benefit Option so long as:

  • You haven’t already added it to another over 50s life insurance plan (with us or another provider)
  • You don’t have a pre-paid funeral plan with Dignity
  • If you were to take out a pre-paid funeral plan with Dignity in future, your Funeral Benefit Option would be cancelled.

If you'd like to add Funeral Benefit Option when taking out your Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance, simply call our UK friendly team, they will be more than happy help.

Call us on: 0800 316 8435

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 8pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm. We may record and monitor calls

Yes, you can add the Funeral Benefit Option to your existing Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance policy at anytime during the period of your policy. You will just need to make sure you meet the criteria mentioned above and you can only add this feature once. Simply contact us by phone to add the option, and Dignity will send you a welcome pack which explains the key details.

Call us on: 0370 010 4080 

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am and 5pm. We may record and monitor calls and call charges will vary.

Things you should know

  • You can only add Funeral Benefit Option to one plan. This includes over 50s life insurance or any other funeral benefit options with any other provider, either in place now or in the future.
  • The additional £250 contribution will only be payable when the cash sum from your Plan is paid directly to Dignity Funerals Limited on your death. It will not be paid to your legal representative.
  • If your funeral costs less than the cash sum from your Plan and the £250 contribution combined, we will pay any money left over to your legal representative. However, if the funeral costs more, your loved ones would need to pay the balance to the Dignity Funeral Director. You need to be aware that inflation will reduce the value of the cash sum and the £250 contribution.

Please read the key documents below before your apply.

Funeral Benefit Option FAQs

The Funeral Benefit Option can be added for no extra cost to your Over 50s Fixed Life Insurance, but you do need to make sure you keep paying the premiums for your Plan.

Yes, once you’ve added the Funeral Benefit Option, you (or your legal representative) can remove it at any time before Dignity has been instructed to provide the funeral services by contacting us. However, you won’t be able to add the Funeral Benefit Option again. In these circumstances you would not be entitled to the £250 contribution.

Ready to get an Over 50s Life Insurance quote?

Please read the cover details before you apply.

Call our UK team on:

0800 316 8539

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 8pm.
Saturday 9am -1pm.

We may record and monitor calls.