Critical Illness Cover - Important information

The information on this site relates to our current range of products and additional benefits. If you already have Critical Illness Cover with us please refer to your original policy documents as they may differ from the following information depending on when you took your policy out.

Please read the  Guide to Critical Illness Cover (PDF: 1.0MB), Policy Summary (PDF: 935KB) and Policy Booklet (PDF: 3.2MB) before you apply. You should also be aware of the following information:


  • The critical illnesses covered include cancer, heart attack and stroke, but because of advances in medicine, not all occurrences of these illnesses are covered. For example, a cancer needs to have spread or reached a specified severity to be covered under the policy and to make a claim for some critical illnesses you need to have permanent symptoms.
  • Advances in medicine and technology mean that traditional views of critical illnesses are constantly changing.
  • Critical Illness Cover has no cash value unless a valid claim is made.
  • It's essential that you give us all the information we ask for during the application and that it's accurate. If you fail to mention a medical condition, for example, we may not pay out in the event of a claim.
  • If you stop paying the premiums before the end of your policy, your cover will end after 60 days and you will not get anything back.
  • If a valid claim is made we’ll pay out your amount of Critical Illness Cover in full once. After this happens, the policy will end and you’ll no longer have any cover. If a valid claim hasn’t been made by the end of the term, the policy will end and you won’t get any money back.
  • You need to let us know if any of the information you gave us in your application changes before the policy starts.

How much will I pay?

  • The main factors are your age, occupation, smoker status, health, the level of cover you need and type of cover that you choose. Normally, the older you are, the higher the premium. Your individual height, weight, medical history and lifestyle are all assessed. The payment you make is sometimes called a ‘premium’.
  • Once you've taken out cover your premiums are guaranteed and won't change unless you alter your policy.
  • You'll have the option to pay your premiums monthly or if you wish to pay annually, give us a call.