Terminal Illness Cover

The information on this page and in the Policy Booklet PDF (513KB) and Policy Summary PDF (204KB) is for new customers. If you are an existing life cover customer, please refer to your original policy documents as they may differ from the following information depending on when you took your policy out.

Terminal Illness Cover could pay out the full amount of cover if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness (when life expectancy is less than 12 months) during your period of cover.

Terminal Illness Cover is automatically included at no extra cost on all our life cover policies with a term of at least 2 years, and is available to all those who are eligible to claim.

What is a Terminal Illness?

A terminal illness is one that has no known cure or has progressed to a point where it cannot be cured, and in the opinion of your hospital consultant and our Medical Officer (a qualified doctor employed by Legal & General), it's expected to lead to death within 12 months.

Our current Terminal Illness Cover at a glance

  • You'll need to be eligible to claim, so for example, if you've stopped paying your premiums, your policy may not pay out.
  • No claim can be made after the death of the person insured.
  • This cover is only available on life cover plans with a term of at least two years.
  • Once a terminal illness claim has been accepted, no further claims can be made. No premiums will be payable either and the policy will end.
  • If, after a terminal illness claim has been accepted, you survive to the end of the term; you will not have to pay back the terminal illness payment received. However, once the payment has been received, the plan will end and no further claims can be made.

Read more about the difference between terminal illness cover and critical illness cover.

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