How MySI can help

MySI provides a window into your scheme dynamics.

We’ve developed a web-based platform to bring all your scheme, member and contribution data into a single location. We have collected and cleansed vast quantities of client data to remove the noise and hone in on the key value and performance indicators that enable better decision making.

  • One stop data shop

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    One stop data shop

    MySI summarises key metrics so that you can see total contributions, number of member pots and assets under management at a glance. The information can be filtered by gender, location, age, and contributions over time, which allows for better segmentation and targeting capabilities.

    You're also able to add in other relevant material so that pension data can be seamlessly integrated.

  • Driving better member outcomes

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    Driving better member outcomes

    Is there a north-south divide in the contribution rate? Are opt out rates higher in certain regions? How many people change their investment choices when approaching retirement?

    You can use these insights to better target Member communications and track what actions members take.


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Your MySI portal

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Please note that the data in this tool is frequently refreshed. However, it is backwards looking and may not be reflective of emerging member trends. The information should also not be used for accounting purposes. If you need data for your auditing requirements please speak to your usual Legal & General contact.