Member engagement
We understand how important it is to ensure scheme members understand and engage with their pension. Effective and engaging communications with scheme members continue to be our focus.
Members will be fully supported by our comprehensive range of member communication and engagement solutions which have been designed to help them make informed decisions regarding their pension pot and choices at retirement.
We use a variety of communication channels, optimising messages for different media, both at launch and throughout the lifetime of the scheme.
Online tools for members
We have a range of online tools to help members get on board and to see if they're on track for the retirement they hope for. All our online platforms and tools are optimised for use on all devices.
Manage Your Account is an online service that gives members access to their workplace pension information, allows them to change funds and update their details.
Features include:
- Easy navigation – employees can view and move easily between pension investments
- The ability to explore investment options with ease
- Our watched funds feature which allows employees to select funds that are of interest and save them to their profile
- A simple shopping basket facility for changing funds
- The ability to view, download and order statements
- Access to the Retirement Planner and Attitude to Risk Tools, guides and video tutorials to help plan for retirement
Once members enrol into your client's scheme, they get access to a scheme microsite and associated content for the four key stages of scheme membership:
- First step: joining the pension scheme
- On your way: considering contribution levels and investment choices
- Getting there: things to think about when members are 10 years or less from retirement
- Arriving: the options for taking money from a pension pot
Depending on your client's specification, members can access retirement planning tools and other material to drive engagement and education.
Our retirement planning tool, one of our most important modelling tools, helps employees experiment with the income they could achieve in retirement depending on a range of factors including:
- How much they save and for how many years
- How they choose to take their benefits when the time comes
The tool can help members compare their options at retirement as we show the cash lump sums and income that can be generated if the member chooses an annuity, income drawdown or a cash lump sum.
WorkSave Choice is an online enrolment management service. Members can:
- View and amend their details
- Find out more about pensions and investments
- Opt out if they wish to leave the scheme
- Interact directly with us - saving employers' time
A tool to help show members where their money goes and where they could look to make small changes to free up a bit of extra cash to boost their savings.
We've created a tool to help members understand what they might need to pay for in retirement. It gives them the chance to have a think about what their expenses in retirement might be, and how much they could add up to.
Our financial wellbeing hub enables employees to feel more financially happy, through online support with practical tools and, where appropriate, products to meet individual needs. It offers:
- A digital customer journey with supporting campaign materials and communications
- An holistic and integrated approach to financial wellbeing for our customers
- A continual development and investment in the proposition to reflect member and employer based needs
Further engagement and support
Supporting members throughout auto enrolment and their journey towards retirement, we can work with you and your client to develop further engagement. We can provide:
- face-to-face presentations and webinars
- videos, posters, desk-drops or messages on screens in appropriate areas of the workplace
- template communications to promote auto enrolment
- auto enrolment notifications
- support for high earners
- operational communications throughout their journey to retirement
- online pension benefit statements
- UK based member helpline
Contact us
We'd like to share our experience and expertise with you. Speak to us if you would like to view a demonstration of our online solutions, or if you have any specific client projects that you would like to discuss.