RIO affordability calculator
Our affordability calculator will give you an indication of the amount your client could borrow.
It's been designed for you to work through the questions with your clients, during your client meetings and telephone calls.
Please make sure you complete the mortgage loan amount, income and monthly payments as accurately as possible.
Once you've received a figure, you'll need to complete a full Decision in Principle to receive the exact amount your client can borrow. This is subject to the information you provided, plus the results of a credit reference check. Applications are subject to our standard lending criteria, status and financial standing.
The calculator gives an estimate of affordability and is not a guarantee of lending. Additional evidence may be required.
A Retirement Interest Only Mortgage is a loan secured against your client's home. As a last resort, their home may be repossessed if they don't keep up with payments.
Please make sure you click on the information buttons to understand what amounts you need to include for your client.
Quoting and services
Available Portals
Quotes for our Retirement Interest Only Mortgage (RIO) are available through the listed portals.
Ready to apply?
Log in to start the application process for your client's RIO product to start an illustration and submit an application.