Man looking at laptop

Tools and calculators

Protection calculators for advisers

Personal protection calculators

Deadline to Breadline calculator

An income and outgoings calculator to help assess your client’s financial security.

Decreasing term calculator

See how much your clients could receive in the event of a claim.

Direct debit calculator

Find out when your client’s direct debit will be collected to help them stay in control of their monthly finances.

BMI rating tool

Shows how your client’s premium could increase due to their BMI.

You will need to login to OLP Connect to use this tool.

Risk reality calculator

An odds calculator to show the probability of certain life events happening to your client.

Reinstate direct debit tool

Use if your client's premiums are in arrears or their direct debit has been returned. Just input their policy number and account details.

You will need to login to OLP Connect to use this tool.

Personal protection trusts

An interactive tool that helps you explain, advise and set up a trust for your personal protection clients.

Business protection calculators

Relevant Life Plan calculator

Calculate the potential saving for your clients if they pay for life cover through a Relevant Life Plan, compared to a non-Relevant Life Plan.

Business value calculator

Assess the potential value of a business and the potential total amount of cover needed.

Key Person calculator

Work out the value of a key person and the amount of cover needed in the event of their critical illness or death.

Executive Income Protection calculator

Work out the maximum cover levels for executive and personal income protection, and compare the costs.

Premium equalisation calculator

Use to even out differences in premiums between partners/shareholders, usually due to differences in health and age.

Business protection trusts tool

Use if your client's premiums are in arrears or their direct debit has been returned. Just input their policy number and account details.