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Budget calculator

You can use this calculator to see where your money goes or to plan a budget.

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You can use this calculator to:

  • see where your money goes or to write a budget
  • experiment with changes to your income or outgoings to see how this might affect your overall finances, for example if you are thinking about buying your first home, moving home, changing your job or retiring.

What you will need

You will need information to hand about your:

  • household income for example your salary, pension, rental/investment income or any benefits you receive
  • outgoings for example mortgage/rent, council tax, utilities, phone, loans, credit cards
  • spending habits for example food, travelling, holidays, pets, going out, clothes.

You might find these on your bank statement or credit card statement. Some provide a breakdown of your spending each month or annually. Find out as much information from your bills or statements as you can before you start so your budget is as accurate as possible

If you can't be accurate, don’t worry. You can add what you spend as weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annual payments and the calculator will work out everything for you. You can always change these on the results screen to try different combinations.

Estimated time to complete: 20-40 minutes

Budget planner calculator

The tool above is provided by MoneyHelper. Please refer to their website for the MoneyHelper privacy notice.