
Investment zone


Fund centre

Our Fund centre offers detailed information on performance, charges, and aims for each of the funds in our standard investment range.

Old couple (simple)

Lifestyle profiles

Our lifestyle profiles target a range of strategies and retirement outcomes. Find out more about the underlying funds, switching pattern and target outcome of each strategy.
Woman on mobile (simple)

Target Date Funds

Our range of Target Date Funds allow members to match their investment strategy to their retirement date. Find out more about this range, its underlying assets and how these change over time.

Man glasses (simple)

Fund information

Our Fund information covers the basics of investing and the balance between risk and reward as well as providing information on individual fund charges and risk ratings.

Contact us

We'd like to share our experience and expertise with you. Speak to us if you would like to view a demonstration of our online solutions, or if you have any specific client projects that you would like to discuss.

Investment only platform

Our platform gives your clients access to a range of ‘off-the-shelf’ options, as well as the ability to create bespoke investments.

Responsible investing

Find out more about our policies and actions on responsible investing so you can share our credentials with your clients.

Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

Read more about investments and climate change – see our TCFD reports