
Fund information

Our Fund information cover the basics of investing and the balance between risk and reward as well as providing information on individual fund charges and risk ratings.

WorkSave Pension Plan
We have two different generations of funds for our WorkSave Pension Plan (Generation 3 funds end with 3, Generation 25 funds have no number at the end). Please ensure that you view the appropriate investment options.

For Worksave Pension Trust information please review the PDF file: View - Pension Investment Platform Fund Summary PDF size: 205KB  

For Worksave Mastertrust fund information please review the PDF file: View - Sole Governance Fund Summary PDF size: 94KB  

Details of fund performance, unit prices and charges, as well as links to interactive fund factsheets, can be found in the Fund centre

Employees can also access information about the funds available to them in Manage Your Account.

Contact us

We'd like to share our experience and expertise with you. Speak to us if you would like to view a demonstration of our online solutions, or if you have any specific client projects that you would like to discuss.

Lifestyle profiles

Our lifestyle profiles target a range of strategies and retirement outcomes. Find out more about the underlying funds, switching pattern and target outcome of each strategy.

Target Date Funds

Our range of Target Date Funds allow members to match their investment strategy to their retirement date. Find out more about this range, its underlying assets and how these change over time.

Responsible investing

Find out more about our policies and actions on responsible investing so you can share our credentials with your clients.