Retirement planning tools and calculators
Our tools and calculators can help you plan for retirement, from understanding your retirement goals, exploring your retirement income options to taking money out of your pension.
Saving for retirement stage
You’re saving into your pension pot but are you saving enough? State Pension may not be enough to support you so the more you save now, the better retirement you may get.
Approaching retirement
You’re ready to explore your retirement income. We have tools to help you understand some of the decisions you need to make when thinking about how to use your pension pot and how much income you could receive.
In retirement stage
You've started accessing your pension pot. But is your money going to last you?
Need help?
Making well-informed decisions about how to finance your retirement is important so it’s worth shopping around and using available guidance and advice.
Retirement guidance
Pension Wise from MoneyHelper
The government’s free and impartial service, offering guidance to make money and pension choices clearer.
To find out more or book an appointment online click below or call.
0800 138 3944
8am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.
Send us a secure message
If you have any questions, you can send a secure message through your account. Use the link below to log in.
Get financial advice
Financial advisers can give you professional advice for pension planning.
You usually need to pay for their service and in return they recommend how to make the most of your pension given your circumstances.
To find and compare financial advisers please visit their website below.