Man in woods jumping with drum

Are my retirement plans on track?

Retirement might not yet be in sight, but it's never too early to start thinking about what yours will look like – and how you will fund it.

Man and granddaughter

How to retire early

Early retirement brings a wealth of benefits, but there is also a lot to consider. We guide you through the process of how to retire early.
Man with dog

How to track down your old pensions

If you’re beginning to think about your retirement, having a good understanding of how much your pension is worth can make planning easier and more exciting.
Smiling older woman talking on a mobile phone

What age can I retire?

Whether you're nearing retirement or considering working into your 70s and beyond, there's plenty to think about. We look at a few things that might help you choose the right retirement age.
Couple with baby

Should I be saving into a pension?

If you're not already saving into a pension, or aren't sure how much you should be saving, read our article on saving into a workplace or personal pension.
Two women laughing as they take a selfie

Wanderlust in retirement

Life’s too short to stay at home forever. And retirement presents is the perfect opportunity to spread our wings and fly. But given our busy lifestyles, how do we fulfil our retirement travel dreams? But where do we actually want to go?
Man with son sitting on sofa

How to protect savings from inflation

Unsure about the impact of inflation on savings? We help you consider how to protect your savings from inflation.
What is an annuity - teaser

What is an annuity?

What is an annuity? We explain what annuity means and if an annuity is a good idea for you.
Father and son looking at vinyl records together

Should I retire early?

Should I retire early? Explore common reasons for early retirement, the pros and cons of early retirement pension options.
Helen at home

Retirement realities

What would you do if you didn’t have to work? And are you financially ready? Our research finds out if later life dreams turn into retirement realities.
Couple looking at paper

The FIRE movement – what is it?

Learn what the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement in the UK is and who it’s for.
MOT illustration

Free Midlife MOT course

Your midlife years are likely to be busy. That can make it difficult to look beyond your day-to-day challenges and achievements. Our new course with The Open University will help you take a long-term view of where you're headed and what you need to do to get there.

Yasmin sitting on the wall

Benefits of a financial safety net

Having a financial safety net is really important. Our easy-to-use tool will help give you an idea of how strong a position you’d be in if you lost your income, and help you think about changes you might want to make.


Invest in a Personal Pension

Whether you're looking for a place to bring your pensions together, or self-employed and need to save for retirement, our Personal Pension could be right for you.