Man on laptop

Pension Drawdown Calculator

Looking to quickly understand how much you could get if you put your pension pot into income drawdown? Our simple calculator can help.

Pension Drawdown calculator

Our Pension Drawdown calculator helps you see how much income you could receive with pension drawdown, and allows you to compare this with the income you could receive from a pension annuity. You don't need to include any final salary pensions or your state pension.

I am
years old.
I have
saved in my pension pots.

Pension Drawdown with Legal & General

Once you've used our Pension Drawdown calculator, why not explore our drawdown option?

Receive a flexible drawdown income

With Pension Drawdown, you can access up to 25% of your pension pot tax-free while leaving the rest invested.

You can then take the rest of the money when you need it, giving you flexibility to manage your income in a way that suits your lifestyle.

Your current pension provider will probably have a drawdown option available, but you don't have to use the same provider for drawdown as you used for your pension savings.

Once you've used our Pension Drawdown calculator, take a look at our drawdown option and see if it could be right for you.

Older woman out walking

Need some help?

Making well-informed decisions about how to finance your retirement is important so it’s worth shopping around and using available guidance and advice, before you buy:

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Retirement guidance

Pension Wise from MoneyHelper

The government’s free and impartial service, offering guidance to make money and pension choices clearer.

To find out more or book an appointment online click below or call.

0800 138 3944

Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.

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Speak with us

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0808 296 7335

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
We may record and monitor calls.

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Retirement Advice Service from Legal & General

Our advisers are experts in retirement regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, so you can trust them to provide impartial advice and a personal recommendation that’s right for you.

0121 221 2724

Monday to Friday 9am and 5pm.
Calls may be monitored and recorded.