
Understanding your statement

Here you’ll find the definitions of the different terms used on your statement.

Accumulation unit Type of unit where income earned by the fund (after tax) is kept in the unit rather than paid out as a distribution. This means the capital value of the unit increases.
Conversion in/out between share classes

A share class conversion happens when units in a fund are converted from one ‘unit class’ to another; you stay invested in the same fund but in a different unit class of that fund.

If your account has recently transferred to Fidelity you may see a transaction on your closing statement showing the conversion of your fund(s) to ‘I Class’ units, usually from ‘R Class’ units, but sometimes other unit classes too. The I Class units are invested in the same fund(s) but attract a different (lower) charge than the unit class previously held.

When your fund holding is converted between unit classes you may see the number of units you hold change; this ensures the value of your investment remains the same when the unit price of the two share classes are different at the point of conversion.

Conversion in/out between accumulation/distribution A conversion of units/shares between Accumulation/Distribution.
Charges A charge taken from your money before it was invested in your chosen fund. See your Key Information page for more information.
Distribution unit Also sometimes known as an income unit. Type of unit where any income earned by the fund (after tax) is paid out as a distribution on the distribution date.
Fund(s) Name of the fund you're invested in.
Growth View of how your investment products have performed during this statement period. This is made up of market movement, income accumulated and the effect of charges.
Income accumulated Income accumulated within the value of your holding.
Income paid out Income earned by your holding which has been paid out to you.
Income reinvested Additional units/shares purchased for your unit holding, using income received from your fund.*
Interest adjustment Interest adjustments are an alteration to a previous interest calculation. This may be because we were notified of a death after an interest payment had already been calculated and applied to the account.
Investment Type of product(s) you hold in the portfolio.
Loyalty bonus Annual bonus income which has been added to your investment.
Merge in/out For a Unit Trust, Stocks and Shares ISA or OEIC, this shows the movement of money or units/shares from one fund to another following a merger of two funds. Details of the merger can be found on your Additional information page if applicable.
Money in This is the total amount of money paid into your portfolio during this statement period. This would include transactions such as reinvested income, interest adjustments, interest received, monthly investments, purchases, ‘Loyalty Bonus’ credits, reinvested tax credits and transfers in.
Money out

This is the total amount of money that has come out of your account during this statement period. This would include transactions such as withdrawals and transfers out.

If your account has recently transferred to Fidelity, this figure in your closing statement will include the value of the investments transferred.

Monthly investment Units/shares bought for you using money received from your regular contributions.
Payment method The payment was collected by Direct Debit.
Payroll buy Purchase of a Unit Trust or Stocks and Shares ISA, bought for you through payroll.
Portfolio Your account with Legal & General Investment Management consists of portfolios containing your investment products, such as Unit Trust, ISAs and OEICs. Each portfolio statement you have within your annual statement corresponds to a portfolio in your Legal & General Investment Management account.
Purchase For a Unit Trust, Stocks and Shares ISA or OEIC, this shows the units/shares bought for you.
Tax credit paid out/Tax credit reinvested The income tax which has been deducted from your distribution and reclaimed from HM Revenue & Customs has been used to purchase additional units/shares in the fund from which the distribution has been made. Where you have transferred your ISA or Junior ISA to another provider, the income tax will be paid to you by cheque.*
Stocks and shares ISA Refers to the following products: Lump Sum ISA, Regular Index ISA, Regular Active ISA, Flexible Mortgage ISA, Lump Sum Junior ISA, Regular Junior ISA and Individual Savings Account.
Stock transfer in The transfer of units/shares to your Legal & General account from another investment provider. In some circumstances it may show the movement of money between investment accounts within Legal & General.
Stock transfer out

The transfer of units/shares from your Legal & General account to another investment provider. In some circumstances it may show the movement of money between investment accounts within Legal & General.

If your account has recently transferred to Fidelity, your closing statement will show a stock transfer out for every fund transferred. The statement shows the number of units transferred, but not the value, as the value is likely to change daily in line with market movements.

Switch in/out For a Unit Trust, Stocks and Shares ISA or OEIC, this shows the movement of money or units/shares from one fund to another.
Transfer in The transfer of cash to your Legal & General account from another investment provider.
Transfer out The transfer of cash from your Legal & General account to another investment provider.
Unit trust or OEIC Refers to the following products: Unit Trust, Lump Sum Unit Trust, Regular Investment Unit Trust, Unit Trust Account
Value of your portfolio at the start of statement This was the value of your portfolio as at the start of the statement period 23 January 2021.
Value of your portfolio at the end of statement This is the value of your investment as at the last date of the period quoted on your statement. If your investment was recently transferred to Fidelity, your end of statement value will show as zero, as the end of statement date is after your investments were transferred.
Withdrawal For a Unit Trust, Stocks and Shares ISA, Cash ISA or OEIC, this shows the proceeds from selling units/shares.
XD (Ex-Dividend) This indicates that a transaction was made between a date used to calculate income and pay income on a fund. This is normally a period of two months. You won't receive income on these transactions until after the next date that income is calculated.

*Payment Method: There is no payment required for these transactions. The Financial Conduct Authority requires us to confirm to you how you paid for the transactions in this statement.   

Risk warning

Please remember the value of your investment and any income from it may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You may get back less than you invest. Tax rules may change in the future and their tax advantages depend on your individual circumstances.