How we report on complaints
We know that sometimes things can go wrong. Our number one priority is to provide customers with the highest level of service. If there’s a problem please let us know and we’ll try to provide a solution as quickly as possible.

Why complaints matter to us
We take complaints very seriously. Customer feedback helps us understand where things have gone wrong and gives us the opportunity to put them right. It also helps us to understand where we need to improve our products and services.
To make sure that we continuously improve the products and services we offer, we monitor complaint trends, review these and act on them.

How we deal with complaints
We are committed to dealing with complaints as quickly as we can.
Our philosophy is to contact customers as soon as we hear from them to discuss their complaint, and make sure we understand their concerns. Talking to our customers gives us a real insight into what’s important to them and helps us to put things right quickly.

How we report on complaints
Legal & General operates as one brand but, in fact, our customers are looked after by a number of different firms. You probably won’t be familiar with the names of these firms, but our reporting shows which firms look after our range of products. In some cases, the same products are sold by more than one firm.
This report details reportable complaints from individual customers. Our report includes our results for: