Decreasing life insurance Accidental Death Benefit
Sometimes, when you apply for a life insurance policy we’ll be unable to give you an immediate decision. We may need to write to you or your doctor for more information.
During this time we think it's important that you still have some protection so we provide you with free Accidental Death Benefit whilst we process your application. We provide this cover without the need for any underwriting – giving you some peace of mind that you’re covered in case of accidental death.
Things you need to know:
- The maximum payment would be the amount of cover you applied for (across all applications) or £300,000, whichever is lower.
- The cover will start when we receive a completed application form that you submit online or over the telephone.
- Cover will last for 90 days or until we accept, postpone or decline your application or you notify us that you no longer wish to proceed, whichever is earliest.
- Accidental Death Benefit pays out a cash sum if you die within 90 days of an accident. In this instance our definition of an accident is where a bodily injury is sustained, caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means, which solely and independently of any other cause results in death.
- We don't provide this benefit if you have told us that your application is to replace an existing policy with us, while you remain covered under the existing policy.
- The benefit will not be paid out if death occurs from:
- suicide, intentional and serious self-injury or an event where, in our reasonable opinion, you took your own life
- taking part or attempting to take part in a dangerous sport or pastime
- taking part or attempting to take part in an aerial flight other than as a fare paying passenger on a licensed airline
- committing, attempting or provoking an assault or criminal offence
- war (whether declared or not), riot or civil commotion
- taking alcohol or drugs (unless these drugs were prescribed by a registered doctor in the United Kingdom)
- accidents that happened before your application.
Please read the Policy Summary PDF: 935KB and the Policy Booklet PDF: 3.2MB before you apply.
Want to learn more?
Or call us on 0800 316 5591
8:30am to 8pm Monday to Friday
9am to 1pm Saturday
We may record and monitor calls