Power of attorney

Helping you manage your lifetime mortgage

If you need help managing your lifetime mortgage you may consider setting up a Power of Attorney.

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint one or more people to make or help make decisions on your behalf, when you no longer wish or are not able to do so.

Although it’s difficult to think about a time when you won’t be able to make your own decisions, if you were to lose mental capacity, you would not be able to access the money in your lifetime mortgage account unless you had a Power of Attorney set up and registered with us.

Guide to Power of Attorney

Two ladies laughing

Co-op Legal Services

The Co-op Legal Services Executor & Attorney Support Hub has more information on setting up a Power of Attorney and their regulated legal team can provide you with advice and assistance. We have an agreement with Co-op Legal Services who will offer you a 10% discount on their standard fees for setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney.

Understanding mental capacity

Being able to make and communicate decisions at the time you need to make them is called having mental capacity. It means you understand the decision you’re taking, why you need to take it, and the likely outcome

Carer helping older person

Need help?

Understanding mental capacity

Losing your mental capacity can be a daunting prospect, however the sooner you plan on how to deal with it, the more in control you can be.

Need legal advice?

We have an agreement with Co-op Legal Services who will offer you a 10% discount on their standard fees for setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney. Their Executor & Attorney Support Hub has further information.

Discover later life mortgages

Whether you're looking to pay off an existing mortgage, or to release some equity from your home to spend on yourself, your home or your family, one of our later life mortgages could help