Approaching retirement
You can log in to your online account and plan for your retirement. Or learn about making the most of your workplace pension.
Want to know more about your options?
You have even more options when it comes to accessing your pension pot.
The best place to get information about your options is on your employer’s pension scheme website. If you don’t know where that is, check with your employer. There will usually be a link on your employer’s intranet site.
Accessing your pension pot
You can access the money in your pension pot from age 55 (57 from April 2028) or sometimes earlier if you are in ill health.
Depending on your scheme you may be able to take cash lump sums, a variable income through drawdown (known as flexi-access drawdown), a guaranteed income under an annuity or a combination of these options.
When thinking about your options, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with Pension Wise. It’s a free government guidance service from Money Helper to help people aged 50 or over to understand the options you have for your pension pot.
Want to take control of your pension pot?
Log in to or register for your online account.
Automatic enrolment
Millions of workers in the UK have been automatically enrolled into a workplace pension.
Tools and calculators
Our tools and calculators can help you plan for retirement, from understanding your retirement goals, exploring your retirement income options to taking money out of your pension.