Woman on sofa with laptop

Find your lost ISA and/or other investments

Thank you. What happens next?

We’ll check the details you’ve provided against our records. We’ll be in touch with you to confirm whether or not you have a current ISA, Unit Trust(s), or fixed term cash investment. We aim to respond to you within 4 working weeks of submission of this form.

Alternatively, you can call** us on:

0370 998 0010 or

+44 (0) 2920 276 998 for international calls

Please note, you will need to answer some security questions before we can provide any information over the phone. If you are unable to answer these questions, we’ll ask you to write to us instead and provide the information requested in the form, along with a copy of identification documents, such as a driving licence or passport.

** Our lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. For international calls, call charges will vary. We will record and monitor calls.