Find your lost ISA and/or other investments
We can help you find your lost or unclaimed Legal & General ISA and/or other investments
Do you have a Legal & General ISA and/or other investment you’ve forgotten about? Maybe you’ve moved house and not informed us, or you invested a long time ago and simply lost the details. We can help you find it.
It is free and we’ll only take around four weeks to investigate our records and respond to you.
Alternatively, you may be an executor or beneficiary of a family member’s estate – if you believe, the deceased may have held a Legal & General ISA and/or other investment, please get in touch.
Note: If you opened a Child Trust Fund investment with Legal & General, these investments were transferred to the financial provider ‘onefamily’ in 2016. onefamily now administer these investments and you can contact them on 0344 892 0920 or at onefamily.com
It just takes a few minutes to complete the form below, then click on ‘Submit’. Please provide as much information as possible. If your investment is held in joint names and you know the details of the joint holder(s), please let us know.
We take our responsibility to investors very seriously and these important checks are necessary to prevent fraud.
If we successfully find your ISA and/or other investment(s), we’ll be able to send you information about it, including regular statements.
Read more about our data privacy policy.
Important notes:
1. All details below must relate to the name of the account holder for the unclaimed or lost Legal & General investment.
2. We will not use your information for marketing purposes unless you have previously asked us to.