12 Jan 2025

Generations redefining retirement

We all need to prepare for retirement, but how do we picture what that looks like? In a world where many of us are retiring later, we wanted to explore how each generation feels about giving up work for good.

We surveyed 2,008 UK people aged 16 plus to get their reflections on retirement and whether they’re financially prepared for what’s to come.

In summary:

  • People expect to save an average of £276,514 for their retirement. Among men the figure was £361,297, while women estimate they'll save £181,166.
  • 35% of Brits hope to relocate in retirement to start a new adventure, with disappointing British weather being the top motivator (39%). This increases to nearly one in two (46%) for Londoners - the highest percentage of anywhere in the UK.
  • ‘Living stress-free without financial worries’ was the top answer (61%) when people were asked what their perfect retirement looked like. Baby boomers were far more likely than Gen Z (69% versus 46%) to give this answer.
  • The biggest barriers to retirement include financial concerns (55%), potential health issues (37%), and a fear of boredom (16%), with 22% of 16-24-year-olds feeling unprepared due to a lack of retirement knowledge.
  • 36% of UK adults plan to relocate in retirement, with disappointing British weather being the top motivator (39%). The biggest group were Gen Z (16-24-year-olds) at 61%, compared to 17% of Baby boomers (aged 55+).
Group photo of family

How does each generation imagine their ideal retirement?

Living stress-free without financial worries 61%
Being active and keeping fit 51%
Freedom to travel and explore new places 45%
Time for personal interests and hobbies 43%
Surrounded by family and friends 39%
Giving back to the community or mentoring 16%
Working on home renovations 8%
N/A (no preferences) 7%
Unsure 5%
Other 1%

For many of our respondents, the dream retirement is not so much about lying on a beach or hitting the golf course, but a sense of financial freedom.

  • People in Northern Ireland were the most likely (49%) to say ‘time for personal interests and hobbies’ was their biggest retirement priority.
  • Newcastle residents were the most likely (56%) to cite ‘being active and keeping fit’.
  • And people in Brighton were the most likely (23%) to answer ‘giving back to the community or mentoring’.
  • Baby boomers (aged 55+) were the most likely (69%) to answer ‘living stress-free without financial worries’, compared to 46% of 16-24-year-olds.
  • Women were more likely than men – 65% versus 57% – to say they would value a stress-free retirement without money worries.

Retirement planning is essential in supporting financial stability in retirement. A Pension Annuity can provide you with a guaranteed income for the rest of your life, whereas Pension Drawdown allows you to access your funds whenever you like. Our pension pot tool can help you decide which retirement income might suit your needs best.

Relocating in retirement

Whether we imagine ourselves travelling the world, helping out with grandchildren or learning new hobbies, it’s fair to say that no two retirement plans are the same. You only live once, and for many people, retirement is an opportunity to explore pastures new.

19% told us that they plan to relocate in the UK when they retire and 17% want to move abroad, while 64% will stay put. It was Londoners who were the most keen to relocate in retirement, with 46% planning to leave the city.

Why do you wish to relocate in retirement?

For a change of weather / scenery 39%
To have a new experience / adventure 35%
I’ve always wanted to move there 26%
To explore a new city 23%
To move closer to family 20%
To downsize 16%
Other 4%
Unsure 3%
No reason 2%

While the prospect of a brolly-free retirement is an enticing prospect for sun seekers, there were different motivations across the generations. For 45% of younger millennials (25-34 year-olds), the number one priority is a new adventure. Meanwhile, 30% of baby boomers want to relocate so they can downsize.

But will these fantasies match up to the reality?

What type of retirement do you realistically think you’ll have?

Our Retirement Income Calculator shows how much income you could get in retirement based on your age and the value of your pension savings.

Moderate retirement (basic needs covered, with some money left over for non-essentials) 39%
Comfortable retirement (you have more financial freedom and can afford some luxuries) 24%
Minimum retirement (basic needs are just about covered, but have little money left over for non-essentials) 21%
Unsure 11%
None of the above 6%


By and large, the people we polled were modest about their retirement plans. 

  • A ‘moderate retirement’ was the top answer in every region except Greater London, where ‘comfortable retirement’ scored highest (36% versus 34% for ‘moderate’). The North East recorded the highest percentage of people who expect a ‘minimum retirement’ (29%). 
  • Gen Z appear to have higher hopes for their retirement. Just 15% of 16-24 year olds (and young millennials aged 25-34 year olds) believe they’ll have a ‘minimum retirement’, whereas this is the expectation for 27% of Gen X (45-54 year olds).
  • Men are more likely than women (28% versus 20%) to believe they’ll have a ‘comfortable retirement’. Similarly, women are more likely than men to believe they will have a ‘minimum retirement’ (24% versus 17%).

When retirement meets reality

For millions of people, the cost of living crisis has made it difficult to balance essential daily spending with saving for the future. So understandably, when it comes to thinking about the ideal retirement, our survey found that money truly matters.

What are your biggest barriers to a perfect retirement?

Money 55%
Potential health-related issues 37%
Fear of boredom / lack of purpose 16%
Care-giving responsibilities 15%
Loneliness 14%
Lack of knowledge about how to prepare 12%
N/A (no barriers) 10%
Unsure 6%
Other 1%

Over the last few years, many Brits have tightened their belts against a backdrop of rising prices – from food to fuel costs. But has inflation influenced how we think about our future?

  • Money was cited as the biggest barrier to retirement in each city we polled, reaching a high in Bristol (68%).
  • Gen X were the most likely to believe that money is the biggest retirement barrier (69%) compared to just 41% of Gen Z.
  • For younger people, some of their concerns about retirement are less tangible. A quarter (25%) of Gen Z respondents said they’re worried about boredom and a lack of purpose in retirement.

Is there a right time to retire?

Even if our circumstances are less than perfect, there comes a time where it’s important to enjoy a well-earned rest from working life. But when should you start planning it?

Age of retirement planning  Percentage
16-24 5%
25-34 12%
35-44 13%
45-54 16%
55-64 22%
65-74 7%
75+ 1%
Unsure 9%
N/A 11%

For many young people, there's no time like the present. Almost a quarter (23%) of Gen Z respondents said they expect to (or already have) given serious thought to their retirement plans – specifically between the ages of 16 to 24.

In contrast, our survey found that most people wait until retirement is edging closer before they start seriously planning (if they haven't already). 11% earmarked ages 55-59 for their retirement planning.

Putting a price on our retirement plans

However we intend on spending our retirement, we know for sure that it will take considerable financial resources to enjoy ‘the good life’ in our later years.

How much do you think you’ll have saved by the time you retire?

Nothing 7%
Less than £10,000 2%
£10,000 - £49,999 18%
£50,000 - £99,999 13%
£100,000 - £249,999 12%
£250,000 - £499,999 9%
£500,000 - £749,999 5%
£750,000 - £999,999 5%
£1 million or more 1%
Unsure 21%
Prefer not to say 9%


According to our survey, the mean amount that people expect to save for retirement is £276,514. But there was a gap in the responses by gender – men expect to save an average of £361,297, while women estimated they'll save £181,166. Millennials expect to save an average of £345k for retirement, while Gen Z are more cautious aiming for an average of £258k.

Are you retirement ready?

If retirement is a few years down the road, it might be a good idea to think about how much you should put in your pension. Even putting aside a modest amount each month can provide additional financial security as you grow older. But planning for something that’s decades away can be overwhelming. Over a fifth (22%) of Gen Z respondents told us their lack of knowledge is a barrier in preparing for retirement.

If you’re approaching retirement, try our Retirement Income Calculator to get an idea of how much your pension pot could get you. And our pension pot tool will guide you through some key questions to think about when it comes to accessing your retirement savings.

Research was carried out by Censuswide from 30 Oct – 01 Nov 2024.

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