
Changing provider

Winding-up an existing company pension and dealing with legacy pension issues can be complicated and time consuming.

There could be many reasons why your client wants to change their current pension provider.

For example:

  • they didn't have time to consider other options before their staging date
  • they're looking for an auto enrolment solution that would be a better fit for their needs
  • they're just not happy with their current arrangements.  

We can offer you and your clients a level of administrative support to help make the transition to a new arrangement as smooth as possible.

Our comprehensive package of support includes:

Asset transition solutions
A direct offer process that allows us to approve the transfer promotion to employees
Administration services
Provide support during transition
Support for DB/DC hybrid restructures
Technical support for pension restructures

Contact us

We'd like to share our experience and expertise with you. Speak to us if you would like to view a demonstration of our online solutions, or if you have any specific client projects that you would like to discuss.