
Auto enrolment

Through experience of working with some of the UK's largest employers on their auto enrolment obligations, we've established a flexible proposition with solutions for employers of all sizes. 

Auto enrolment for both small and large clients

Whether your client is about to start enrolling employees for the first time or is looking to change provider, we can help. Go to Setting up a scheme for information on how we can help you set up an auto enrolment scheme.  

Our WorkSave Pension Plan offers a straightforward solution for your client's auto enrolment needs.

We also offer a range of other pension products, which means we can also help your client if they're looking to replace, close or restructure an existing pension scheme.

We also have a range of Online tools to assist with auto enrolment and member engagement.

Contact us

We'd like to share our experience and expertise with you. Speak to us if you would like to view a demonstration of our online solutions, or if you have any specific client projects that you would like to discuss.

Industry recognitions

We're committed to working closely with our clients to identify their needs and tailor our solutions and this has been recognised by the industry.