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We offer a choice of pension plans, each of which has its own range of investment options.

Fund information

For this reason, it's important to select the option from the list below that matches the type of pension plan that your employer has chosen.

If you aren't sure which type of plan you have, you'll find details in the letter you received from us, at the time of joining your scheme.

If you are already saving with us, you can also register for or log in to your online account to see the fund information relevant to your plan.

WorkSave Pension Plan

To see the investment options available to your scheme, select one of the options below, depending on whether the names of the funds in your investment guide:

  • end in '3'
    This is our Generation 3 fund range and the funds in it are shown, for example, as the 'Legal & General Cash Fund 3'.
  • don’t end in '3'
    This is our Generation 25 fund range and the funds in it are shown, for example, as the 'Legal & General Cash Fund'.

Our investment guides highlight important things about investments, while our online tools can help you plan for your retirement.

Investment guides

Your guide to investing PDF: 533KB

This guide looks at the basics of investing and what to think about if you want to make your own investment choices.

Your guide to risk and reward PDF: 171KB

This guide looks at investment risk. All types of investment involve a degree of risk, so it's important to understand the risk you may be taking - and be comfortable with it - before you make any investment decisions.

Your guide to how your funds are managed PDF: 1.00MB

This guide explains the key principles we follow when managing our funds and what happens when an unexpected event occurs.

Approaching retirement PDF: 676KB

This guide looks at the options you should be thinking about, especially if you’re in your 50's, when it comes to accessing your pension pot. It also explains the investment strategies we've created for those members who know how they intend to access their pension savings in retirement.

Statement of Investment Principles PDF: 685KB

The Statement of Investment Principles sets out what we aim to achieve with the investment options offered and shows how our investment policies guide the way in which savers’ money is invested.

Funds information

Your investment options PDF: 544KB

This guide lists the funds and Lifestyle profiles that are available to you, providing information on charges and risk ratings as well as links to factsheets.

Responsible investing fund guide PDF: 1.84MB

This guide lists the funds that are available to you and have shown where, if appropriate, each fund demonstrates criteria for a range of ethical and environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Our fund centre is an online tool to help you search for investment funds and find out more about them.


The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Our investment guides highlight important things about investments, while our online tools can help you plan for your retirement.

Investment guides

Your guide to investing PDF: 533KB

This guide looks at the basics of investing and what to think about if you want to make your own investment choices.

Your guide to risk and reward PDF: 171KB

This guide looks at investment risk. All types of investment involve a degree of risk, so it's important to understand the risk you may be taking - and be comfortable with it - before you make any investment decisions.

Your guide to how your funds are managed PDF: 1.00MB

This guide explains the key principles we follow when managing our funds and what happens when an unexpected event occurs.

Approaching retirement PDF: 676KB

This guide looks at the options you should be thinking about, especially if you’re in your 50's, when it comes to accessing your pension pot. It also explains the investment strategies we've created for those members who know how they intend to access their pension savings in retirement.

Statement of Investment Principles PDF: 685KB

The Statement of Investment Principles sets out what we aim to achieve with the investment options offered and shows how our investment policies guide the way in which savers’ money is invested.

Responsible Investing Guide PDF: 658KB

This guide outlines some key terms around responsible investing and gives examples of commonly available funds that meet our criteria for a range of environmental, social and governance issues.

Funds information

This guide lists the funds and lifestyle profiles that are available to you, providing information on charges and risk ratings as well as links to factsheets.

Your investment options PDF: 384KB

Our fund centre is an online tool to help you search for investment funds and find out more about them.


The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Our investment guides highlight important things about investments, while our online tools can help you plan for your retirement.

Investment guides

Investment guide PDF: 661KB

This guide looks at the basics of investing and what to think about if you want to make your own investment choices.

Your guide to risk and reward PDF: 171KB

This guide looks at investment risk. All types of investment involve a degree of risk, so it's important to understand the risk you may be taking - and be comfortable with it - before you make any investment decisions.

Approaching retirement PDF: 676KB

This guide looks at the options you should be thinking about, especially if you’re in your 50's, when it comes to accessing your pension pot. It also explains the investment strategies we've created for those members who know how they intend to access their pension savings in retirement.

Responsible Investing Guide PDF: 1.25MB

This guide outlines some key terms around responsible investing and gives examples of commonly available funds that meet our criteria for a range of environmental, social and governance issues.

Statement of Investment Principles PDF: 685KB

The Statement of Investment Principles sets out what the Trustees aim to achieve with the investment options offered and shows how their investment policies guide the way in which savers’ money is invested.

Funds information

Your investment options PDF: 808KB

This guide lists the funds and Lifestyle profiles that are available to you, providing information on charges and risk ratings as well as links to factsheets.

Our fund centre is an online tool to help you search for investment funds and find out more about them.


The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Our investment guides highlight important things about investments, while our online tools can help you plan for your retirement.

Investment guides

Investment guide PDF: 661KB

This guide looks at the basics of investing and what to think about if you want to make your own investment choices.

Your guide to risk and reward PDF: 171KB

This guide looks at investment risk. All types of investment involve a degree of risk, so it's important to understand the risk you may be taking - and be comfortable with it - before you make any investment decisions.

Your guide to how your funds are managed PDF: 1.11MB

This guide explains the key principles we follow when managing our funds and what happens when an unexpected event occurs.

Statement of Investment Principles: Group Stakeholder Pension Scheme PDF: 723KB

The Statement of Investment Principles sets out what we aim to achieve with the investment options offered and shows how our investment policies guide the way in which savers’ money is invested.

Funds information

Your investment options PDF: 808KB

This guide lists the funds and Lifestyle profiles that are available to you, providing information on charges and risk ratings as well as links to factsheets.

Our fund centre is an online tool to help you search for investment funds and find out more about them.


The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Our investment guides highlight important things about investments, while our online tools can help you plan for your retirement.

Investment guides

Investment guide PDF: 661KB

This guide looks at the basics of investing and what to think about if you want to make your own investment choices.

Your guide to risk and reward PDF: 171KB

This guide looks at investment risk. All types of investment involve a degree of risk, so it's important to understand the risk you may be taking - and be comfortable with it - before you make any investment decisions.

Funds information

Your investment options PDF: 808KB

This guide lists the funds and Lifestyle profiles that are available to you, providing information on charges and risk ratings as well as links to factsheets.

Responsible investing fund guide PDF: 1.84MB

This guide lists the funds that are available to you and have shown where, if appropriate, each fund demonstrates criteria for a range of ethical and environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

Our fund centre is an online tool to help you search for investment funds and find out more about them.


The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Our investment guides highlight important things about investments, while our online tools can help you plan for your retirement.

Investment guides

Investment guide PDF: 661KB

This guide looks at the basics of investing and what to think about if you want to make your own investment choices.

Your guide to risk and reward PDF: 171KB

This guide looks at investment risk. All types of investment involve a degree of risk, so it's important to understand the risk you may be taking - and be comfortable with it - before you make any investment decisions.

Funds information

Your investment options PDF: 808KB

This guide lists the funds and Lifestyle profiles that are available to you, providing information on charges and risk ratings as well as links to factsheets.

Our fund centre is an online tool to help you search for investment funds and find out more about them.


The value of your pension pot can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed.

Target Date Funds

The Target Date Funds offer you a flexible approach to investing your pension savings. They allow you to match your investment strategy to a ‘target date range’, which will normally be aligned to the date at which you currently plan to retire or access your pension savings.

Please note that the five year target range for each fund begins and ends at the start of July. This means, for example, that if your target retirement date is in 2050 you will need to consider whether the 2045-2050 Target Date Fund or the 2050-2055 Target Date Fund is more likely to fit your plans.

Target Date Funds are often referred to as TDFs. The idea is that you save in a single fund along with other people who have a similar target retirement date in mind.

We’ve also created a short video that explains how the TDF's work

Fund centre

Find out more about your investment options.

Want to take control of your pension pot?

Log in to or register for your online account.

Automatic enrolment

Millions of workers in the UK have been automatically enrolled into a workplace pension.

Target date funds

Target Date Funds pension plans

Target Date Funds are available on the plans listed below.

It's important to select the option from the list that matches the type of pension plan that your employer has chosen.

If you aren't sure which type of plan you have, you'll find details in the letter you received from us, at the time of joining your scheme.

Lifestyle profiles

Below we provide a list of the lifestyle profiles that are available, each of which links to a fact sheet that contains information on the underlying funds, switching pattern and target outcome.

For this reason, it's important to select the option from the list that matches the type of pension plan that your employer has chosen.

If you aren't sure which type of plan you have, you'll find details in the letter you received from us, at the time of joining your scheme.

Please note that you can only choose to invest your pension savings in one lifestyle profile at any one time.

These Lifestyle profiles are available for the Group Stakeholder Pension Scheme. They may not all be available for your scheme.

Find out which ones are available to you by logging in to your online account.

Multi-Asset 5 Year 25% Cash Lifestyle Profile (LH2Q) PDF: 87KB

Multi-Asset Stakeholder 5 Year Lifestyle Profile (LB4Q) PDF: 58KB

Tools and calculators

Our tools and calculators can help you plan for retirement, from understanding your retirement goals, exploring your retirement income options to taking money out of your pension.

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