Women with cup

Pension guidance form

* Required

Pension Guidance form

The benefits of taking advice are explained in your Pension Options pack, use this form to tell us if and how you will take advice. You can also use this form to ask us to book a Pension Wise appointment for you.

Please read the entire pack before making any choices.

Your details 

This is a 10 digit number starting with a 2.
Do you want Legal & General to book you an appointment with Pension Wise? *

You can call us on 0345 935 0100 to book an appointment. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Call charges will vary. We may record and monitor calls. You will need your National Insurance number and preferred appointment dates. Alternatively, if you would like us to call you to arrange an appointment, please let us know the following:


When is the most convenient time to call you? *
Are you going to book your own appointment with Pension Wise? * You can book a free Pension Wise appointment with them directly by calling 0800 100 166 or visit moneyhelper.org.uk/nudge-public.
Have you already received guidance from Pension Wise? * Please remember if your circumstances or the value of your pension have changed significantly since you received guidance, you may benefit from receiving the guidance again.
Have you received or will be receiving financial advice from an adviser regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority? * A financial adviser can provide regulated advice and a personal recommendation (this usually comes at your own cost). You can find an adviser in your local area by visiting unbiased.co.uk.
Do you wish to proceed without pensions guidance or advice? * The decisions you make about your pension pot are important and financial advice or free guidance from Pension Wise could help you make a more informed decision.

Thank you for letting us know how or if you are planning to receive advice or guidance.

If you have reviewed all of the information in your Pension Options pack and would now like to request personalised illustrations please select ‘Request illustrations’. This will take you through the Make Your Choice form and the Make Your Choice checklist.

If you are planning to receive advice or guidance first you can select ‘Submit now’. You can revisit your Pension Options pack at any time to request personalised illustrations.

Please confirm what you'd like to do: *
Please provide confirmation the information provided on this form is true and accurate. *

Make your choice form

Once you’ve reviewed your Pension Options pack and know what you’d like to do next you can fill in this form to request personalised illustrations and let us know if you will be taking financial advice or guidance. Don’t forget you can choose more than one option.

Your details

How should we contact you?

Let us know how you’d like us to get in touch by filling in your preferred contact details.

Please confirm your preferred choice *


Your pension options

Which option(s) would you like to take? *Your Pension Options Pack explains these options to you.

A guaranteed income

To get a quote for guaranteed income options please call 0800 048 2446 or go to legalandgeneral.com/your-options.

Flexi-Access Drawdown

If you would like an illustration for this option please complete all of this form including the Make Your Choice checklist and Pension Guidance sections.

How much tax-free cash do you want to take? *
How much income do you need, and how often? *
How frequently would you like it paid: *

Investment pathway

With a flexible income, it’s not just about deciding what you want to do with your pension savings today, but making sure that the pension savings that remain invested can support your objectives for the future.

Please choose one of the following investment options to let us know how to invest your remaining funds

Your investment choice *

If you’d like to choose an investment pathway, please complete this section. If you want more information about investment pathways it’s in the investment pathways section of your pack.

You can choose one or more options by putting a percentage amount in the boxes below to fit your future retirement plans.

If you only complete one box we’ll assume you want 100% of remaining funds invested in that investment pathway option. If you complete two or more boxes and don’t specify a % we’ll need to return the form to you to complete again.

The percentage must total 100%
(this is the remaining funds – tax-free cash is not included)


You can choose to keep your investments as they are, but you should ensure your current investments are suitable now and you should keep this under regular review to ensure they continue to meet your needs. You can check your investments in your online account and it’s referenced in your annual Pension Benefit Statement.

I have no plans to touch my money in the next five years
I plan to set up a guaranteed income (annuity) within the next five years
I have to start taking a long-term income within the next five years
I plan to take my money within the next five years

I’d like to make my own investment choices

You only need to complete this section if you want to make your own investment decisions.
Please tell us where you’d like your money invested.

The percentage must total 100%
(this is the remaining funds – tax-free cash is not included)

Please ensure you provide the fund code. You can find the available list of funds at legalandgeneral.com/fund-zone or on the investment guide on your scheme microsite, which can be found on the front of this pack.

This is a 4 digit code.
Would you like to add another fund? *
This is a 4 digit code.
Would you like to add another fund? *
This is a 4 digit code.
Would you like to add another fund? *
This is a 4 digit code.
Would you like to add another fund? *
This is a 4 digit code.

Withdraw as cash

If your pot is worth less than £10,000 and you want to take a cash lump sum you can do this online by visiting the Retirement section of your online account or call us on 0345 075 0402. If you call us you do not need to complete any sections of this form.

If your pot is worth more than £10,000, you can call us on 0345 075 0402. If you call us you do not need to complete any sections of this form.

If you’d prefer to continue to request an illustration via this form make sure you also complete the Make your Choice checklist and the Pension Guidance section.

Tell us how much you’d like to take *The first 25% of each lump sum is usually tax-free, while the rest is subject to income tax.
If you are taking a partial lump sum you must leave at least £100 in your pot.

Take your pension later

If you do not wish to make decision now you can update your retirement age in your online account. We will then be in touch about your options again.

If you do not respond to this pack we will extend your retirement age by 5 years and manage your money in the same way.

Make your choice checklist

This section is important to fill in when you are requesting a Flexi Access Drawdown illustration or an illustration to take a cash lump sum.

Your responses will help us check you fully understand your options. If we think anything has been misunderstood, we’ll get in touch.

Select Yes or No for each question

IMPORTANT: Your tax-free cash lump sum allowance is normally £268,275, unless you have a protected amount. Have you exceeded this (including any other pension plans)? *
1. Have you fully researched your retirement options including approaching other providers for information about their products and services? *
2. Does your existing pension plan have any guarantees or other valuable benefits? *
3. Are there any costs or penalties for taking money from your existing pension pot? *
4. Are you thinking of withdrawing money from your pension pot to invest somewhere else? *
5. For each of the options you're considering, do you understand how much tax you'll pay? *
6. Will you need the flexibility to withdraw lump sums of money from this pension pot later on? *
7. Do you expect this pension to give you an income for the whole of your life? *
8. Are you aware that if you smoke, are overweight, have any medical conditions or take any medication, that you may be eligible for a higher level of income from your pension pot? *
9. Do you need to use your pension pot to provide for your financial dependants, such as a spouse or registered civil partner, when you die? *
10. Have you considered how your income in retirement will keep up with the cost of living (inflation)? *
11. Do you know that accessing your pension pot could affect any means tested State benefits you or your partner receive now or could claim in the future? * For example, housing benefit, council tax reduction, income support, Universal Credit, income-based job-seeker's allowance and any benefit that pays for long-term care.
12. Once you’ve accessed your pension pot, are you aware of how your pension pot is treated if you have any debts, such as credit cards, loans or a mortgage? *
13. Do you know how to protect yourself from investment scams? (If you’re not sure, please refer to fca.org.uk/scamsmart) *

The personal data provided by you on this form will be processed to provide you with the information, products and/or services that you have requested from us. For further information on how we process your personal data, please see our privacy notice.


Please provide confirmation the information provided on this form is true and accurate. *