Financial advice, guidance and support around retirement
Understand the different types of help on offer when looking for retirement advice or guidance.
Retirement advice and guidance
There is professional support available to help you make important financial decisions. It’s called ‘advice’ or ‘guidance’. These words have very specific meanings in financial services.
Next steps
Ready to dig a bit deeper? See full details or get a personal quote and look at other products available as part of your shopping around. Other providers may have more appropriate products or be able to offer a higher level of retirement income.

Need help?
Making decisions about how to finance your retirement is important so it’s worth shopping around and using available guidance and advice, before you buy.

Retirement guidance
Pension Wise from MoneyHelper
You can get guidance from the government's free and impartial service to help make your money and pension choices clearer.
The availability of appointments can vary between a few days and several weeks, so if you need guidance, it's a good idea to book an appointment slot now:
0800 138 3944
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.